NEW, warm residential color

SBC has an innovative and talented customer here in Denver, Chalet Homes. We have done a lot of beautiful home projects in the Washington Park area with them and there is one in particular going up right now we think looks stunning. There is great masonry detailing and contrasting windows, but we LOVE the brick color.  Working together with Chalet, our new color the Cotto Stone (Summit Plant) was born and it was too beautiful not to add to our product line.  SBC’s ability to design custom works with our clients is something that sets us apart and will put a personal and unique finishing and touch on your project.

“Cotto” translates to “done” and we believe this is a well-done brick. See for yourself!

Cotto Stone
482WT Cotto Stone





About Chalet:

Chalet was founded on the principle that design excellence and best construction practices are inseparable. The practice of construction and design professionals working together under one roof is one of the oldest forms of construction and stems from the “Master Builder” approach.  Working directly with the Chalet Architectural Design team, our construction partners are able to see that each detail is executed exactly as drawn and in compliance with the overall design intent.  Our collaborative approach results in proven cost controls, streamlined scheduling, effective project management and an overall project synergy that seldom exists between contractors and architect. (via

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